A graphic novel by Michael Green and Mike Johnson, illustrated by Shane Davis,
Superman/Batman: Search for Kryptonite is a fun adventure with these two very different yet compatible superheroes. A second rate villain gets a lucky break and defeats Superman because there happened to be some kryptonite lying around. Batman was able to call the Flash who came to the rescue, but Superman was annoyed by how vulnerable he is to kryptonite. He and Batman teamed up to find and destroy all the kryptonite on Earth, but it turned out there was a lot more than they thought there was!
I would recommend this book to any fan of Batman and Superman. Just a couple teasers: there is a monster who is version of Doomsday combined with kryptonite, and just try to guess who came up with that one! Also, it's possible that Lana Lang could turn out to be a villain, but I'll leave you hanging so you read the book!
Review by David Dunkerton